Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Loves it!

World Premiere: 'Fly' Music Video featuring Rihanna

just a thought...

Michael Vick just signed a $100 million contract. The optimist in me hopes it's what he's getting paid to be torn apart by rabid dogs.

Friday, August 26, 2011

so doing this....


excited about the challenge this will bring :)

One of my faves....

Best Friends

this is a place to visit/adopt from for all animal lovers for sure...mom and i went in Jan and is was a touching experience...not to mention Arizona is very close and absolutely beautiful!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Loves it!

Panda Presents! Fu Hu Celebrates His First Birthday

Tuesday August 23, 2011 04:30 PM EDT

Panda Presents! Fu Hu Celebrates His First Birthday

Fu Hu (right) and his mother, Yang Yang

Heinz-Peter Bader/Landov

Mom definitely approves of these presents – and don't mind if she tastes a few!

Young giant panda cub Fu Hu received lots of fun gifts to celebrate his first birthday at Vienna's Schoenbrunn Zoo, and his mother Yang Yang (pictured, left) helped herself to the bamboo goodies.

Fu Hu, who was born last year on Aug. 23, also has a brother named Fu Long, and he was born on the same day in 2007! Both pandas were conceived naturally. The pandas have been on loan from China since 2003, and will leave Austria after a 10-year stay.

How to Love

Lil Wayne’s New Video Speaks to Issues Surrounding Molestation

Lil Wayne is occasionally called a genius in the Hip Hop world. And his recent video production for “How To Love” has really set some hearts on fire.
| by eurweb| 2011 \

The controversial video has been labeled harsh and the song itself has a deep meaning.

The Chris Robinson-directed clip tells the story of an abused mother, who unintentionally leads her daughter to relive her own vicious cycle.

“I have a daughter, Wayne has a daughter, and he really wanted to tell the story,” Robinson told MTV News. “We were talking about statistics of abuse in our community. We were talking about really telling this story for every young woman in the world.”

The video follows a mother who is beaten by her boyfriend all in front of the little eyes of her baby daughter. As the girl grows up, she visits her father in prison and as a young lady is molested by one of her mother’s lovers.

From there, the girl grows a little older to become a stripper and eventually a prostitute who contracts HIV.

The video has some very touching moments and some that make you cringe.

The director, even said the song hit home for him.

“For me, I think Wayne’s performance, we really showed him when he said these poignant lines, things that really connected,” the director explained. “The concept is more a narrative. It’s a story about two paths in someone’s life and how one small choice that you make can affect your whole life.”

Free falling...


Thats me!

Cool Capture: Blooming

Geek Community / AUGUST 24, 2011 1:41 AM / Read More: Community, Cool Capture, Cool Capture Group

This image was submitted to our Cool Capture group by GeekSugar Community membercreedy218:

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California Bans Tailgate 'Pet Shops'

Lawmakers in California are taking a big step to protect animals from greedy breeders. Landmark two-part legislation bans the sale of animals in any public venue, which includes attempts by breeders to meet buyers they have contacted over the Internet in a neutral location.

The law will, we hope, hinder puppy-mill operators, who often don't want potential buyers to see the cramped, crude, and filthy conditions in which the animals are kept. Undercover investigations of puppy millshave documented dogs with no protection from the heat or cold and no veterinary care while suffering from medical conditions such as crusty, oozing eyes; raging ear infections; mange; and abscessed feet from being forced to stand on wire cage floors. Investigators have also observed dogs who had gone "kennel crazy," frantically turning in circles in their tiny cages.

The new law also increases the penalties for animal neglect so that they are on par with the penalties for cruelty. And some cities in California are going a step further, such as Glendale, where the City Council banned pet store sales of dogs and cats. Of course, we can all protect animals from abuse in the pet trade by always adopting instead of buying.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Words to live by!

Shine like a star, dream like a child, fly like a bird. No rules. No limits.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011



crazy to be checking my RSS feeds and seeing a blog pop up with MY pic on it :)

Check it out!